In preparations for last week's homestudy interviews, I realized one super important thing that we'd completely forgotten. Despite filling out or gathering over 32 separate pieces of paperwork for our homestudy documents such as reference letters, autobiographies, contracts, background checks, FBI background checks, birth certificates, marriage license, driver's licenses, self-assessments, tax returns, etc. etc., I realized that one key piece of making sure that our homestudy interviews pass with flying colors was having everything prepared on the homestudy checklist. (Yet another list!)
This homestudy checklist requires us to have a home evacuation plan posted. It also has lots of things on it that make sense for Katie to check off. Basic items that legally need to be confirmed before saying a home is acceptable for a child. You know, like running water, heat, smoke alarms, and that the house isn't a giant haunted house death trap.
Back to the evacuation plan, it makes more sense for adopting older children, but it's kind of laughable to have to do one for a newborn baby. Oh well, we did one last time around in our old house and I threw yet another copy of one together for our new house too. While I didn't do a fancy version drawn up in CAD software this time around, I still took a little time make some pretty pictures for it in PowerPoint!
The next time any of you are over to visit, this will be conveniently posted next to our patio door. Be sure to spend 2 minutes getting to know this while our house burns down around you before you take 2 steps evacuate along the golden path to freedom.
Also, since this is being posted after our homestudy interviews, I should probably mention that we passed with flying colors. Hooray! We'll likely post more follow up items in the future, but this is just a quick update for now.