Friday, August 31, 2012

Waiting Pool Stats - September Edition

The past month has been an extremely busy one for the waiting pool.  In August, the waiting pool had the most families at one time that we've ever seen, a total of 89! 

Total Number of Families: 89
Families Remaining in the Pool from May: 74
Families Leaving the Pool: 1 (-8.6%)
New Families: 7 (+11.1%)
Net Change Since May 1st:  +7, (+8.5%)

Net Change Since August 1st: +6 (+7.2%)

Couples: 86 (97%) (+1)
Single: 3 (3%) (-1)
Heterosexual: 54 (61%) (+4)
Gay: 23 (26%) (+3)
Lesbian: 9 (10%) (-1)
Single: 3 (3%) (--)

Since entering the pool with Charley on July 12th, we've seen 4 screening emails, taken a sign language class, a newborn care class, decided on a family last name, and started thinking about first names for our future child. Overall, we've been busy! 

At the same time, the stats above show the waiting pool has been rather busy too.  With all of the new families entering and leaving the pool, we are now the 13th most recent family to join.  It's crazy to realize how many families have entered the pool in the past few weeks!  In a way, our profile is quickly becoming a seasoned veteran on the list.  After a month with only 1 family leaving the pool and 7 joining, it'll be interesting to see what happens between now and October 1st.

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