Amazingly, it has only been 25 days since we entered the waiting pool. June has been a really busy month for us, so it's seemed like we've been in the pool much longer. We aren't getting anxious, but it was a good reality check when I added up the days!
One question we've gotten a few times has been if we've had any screening calls. Andy may post more on this later, but we have gotten 1 screening call so far. It was a fun surprise when we got it the day after entering the pool! I remember last time around when each screening call (really it's a screening email) would give us an immediate adrenaline rush, cause us to drop everything, run around in circles, and do some research. This time around, I felt like a pro since we took our time and then gave our answer. We can both already tell that this will be a more relaxed time in the pool as we have bigger fish to fry between work, taking care of Dominic, and our large array of other activities.
Is anything else new? Of course! We never really sit still. The blog has been pretty active. Earlier this month we posted a prediction pool on some fun baby possibilities and then put up a summary post over the weekend. Earlier tonight, I posted the latest Waiting Pool stats which show that the waiting pool is up to 100 families for the first time this year.
Since we have plenty of time left to go until we're picked (November at the earliest by the predictions), we'll have lots of other fun posts to put up and things to share. If you have any requests or topics to suggest, feel free to post them in the comments!